An Oregonian boy becomes a man, not only by having his bar mitzvah, but because he chose to take his opportunity to use his d’var Torah, a traditional speech, to speak as a proponent of gay marriage [in Oregon]. Duncan McAlpine Sennett’s words speak volumes to his maturity, his reasoning and use of historical analysis proves his intelligence and his bravery to even address such a topic within a religious setting exhibits immense leadership and kindness. And he’s only 13! Mazal Tov to David, hopefully he will inspire many other people to positively speak on behalf of others.
To learn more about marriage equality in Oregon check out:
For more awesome speeches related to marriage equality:
One of the Best Speeches Championing Marriage Equality
Speech! Speech! The History of the Wedding Toast
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Zach Wahls Speaking on Marriage Equality in Iowa
To read more: A 13-Year-Old Explains The Religion Behind Marriage Equality. My Head Now Hurts From Nodding Along..
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[…] 13-Year-Old Speaks on Marriage Equality at Bar Mitzvah […]